

时间:2024-02-05 11:49:41


  1、I always miss the days when we were on the summer camp last year.

  2、In the English corner, I meet many friends, who share the same interest with me. (·全国卷Ⅱ)

  3、To avoid such conflicts, we should be kind to one another, which is essential to enjoy a harmonious life.(江苏)

  4、Dear friends , please actively take part in after-class activities , which will not only make your school life colorful , but also improve your learning.(四川卷)

  5、I read the announcement of the summer camp that you have posted on the Internet and I am interested in it. (全国卷)

  6、As we know, books are the source of knowledge. (·湖北)

  7、I will organize some campus activities, like “English Evening”, a platform where students can show their English(年天津卷)

  8、The reason why we have to grow trees is that they supply us fresh air.

  9、It's time to recall those beautiful days we spend together.(年湖南卷)

  10、I have taken with me the two books (that) you asked me to return to the City Library. (全国I)

  11、My physics teacher is my role model, whose influence on me had a lot to do with my decision.(安徽卷)

  12、The Chinese knots ,which I made by myself with red silk thread and other material, look really beautiful in the shape of diamond.(年广西卷)




  I’ve worked with the wonderful peoplewho make work so enjoyable.

  I would like to be remembered as a manwho had a wonderful time living life.

  There are friendswho make us feel so close to each otherand we can’t imagine a day without them.

  Miss Wakeford is a fantastic teacher and she always helps childrenwho need it.

  What advice do you have for someonewho wants to play jazz?

  British people are among thosewho talk about the weather the most.

  I’m sure I’m not the only onewho has a stack of books on my shelves to be read.

  Darrow was a skilled attorney,who had devoted his practice to defending underdog clients.

  I got a letter from my brother Lester,whom I’d not seen in two years.

  There was a dinner with four women in town —two of whom I’d never met before that night.

  There’s this younger generationthat doesn’t necessarily want to be what their parents were.

  I love what I’m doing, and I’m one of the happiest peopleI know.


  Grandma taught me how to make some dishesthat are so simple and delicious.

  Hurricanes are very large tropical stormsthat can cause a huge amount of destruction.

  If you send a messagethat might be mean or unpleasant, that’s going to hurt peoplereceiving it.

  What is the point of learning a languagethat no one speaks anymore?

  If you find a new wordthat you do not know, look up its meaning in a dictionary.

  Red foxes are intelligent animalsthat have learned to live in urban areas as well as in the countryside.

  There is an amazing cafethat serves one of the best sweet the waffles I've ever had.

  They spend their lives training for the Olymhttps:p.91361ce only every four years.

  Once he brought a lambthat we kept as a pet.

  Live that lifeyou have always wanted to live.

  The sea fishing around the coast is excellent, a pastimeI often indulged in.

  Are you always putting things off or failing to reach a goalyou want to achieve?

  Take time to search for the musicyou loveand play it gently in the background.

  Tear up those rule booksyou've been livingbyand take risks.

  Did you manage to finish the homeworkMiss Mistry set for the holidays?

  I’ve always chosen the workI know I’m going to enjoy.

  At restaurants, we enjoy foodwe may never take the time to prepare.

  You best friend is the first personyou want to share your news with, whether it's exciting stuff or somethingthat has upset you.



  The cost of living crisis is somethingthat is hard to ignore for everyone.

  The world of workwaiting for the young peopleis unlike anything(that) their parents experienced.

  2)先行词有形容词最高级,序数词以及any, very, only, all, no, just 等所修饰,要用that指代:

  It was one of the first things(that)I bought with my own wages.

  Water is the only known substancethat can naturally exist as a liquid, solid or gas.


  Alcohol and caffeine are stimulants,which can affect the quality of your sleep.

  Faster internet and rapidly growing puter technologies have made video games easily accessible,which means they are here to stay with us for a long time.

  The James Webb Space Telescope is designed to look evendeeperinto the universe than the Hubble Telescope,whichhas beenin space for more than 31 years.

  Koalas have fallen victim to bush fires, drought, and disease,which have cut their numbers in half since 2001.

  Your pet dog may succumb to the deadly heart worm disease,which is transmitted only by mosquitoes.

  There are more people on the road in Spring, and this has increased demand for oil,which is used to make gasoline.

  It’s important to distinguish between something like the flu,which goes away, and a chronic illness,which can be long-term.

  The house has eight bedrooms,all of which have been styled after places and objects from the Harry Potter series.


  She was 11,which at that time was a child.

  Cars are discouraged, so kids ride bicycles and adults walk,which is how evenings are spent.

  They can make decisions for themselves,which they learn from their environment and the people around them.

  二、做时光、地点、方式等状语,用where, when, why等或介词+which

  Playgrounds are the placeswhere children play the most outside of home.

  Playgrounds are also important as placeswhere children can exercise, socialise, have fun and learn to be independent.

  The hottest desert is the Sahara in northern Africa,where temperature can reach 47 degrees Celsius in the summer.

  Theoretically, the metaverse would be a placewherepeople can meet, work and play using virtual reality headsets, augmented reality glasses, smartphone apps or other devices.

  Some animalsthat were once widespreadgradually died out on the mainland,where they had to pete with stronger, smarter animals.

  You can visit Alnwick Castle,builtin the 11thcentury,whereHarry Porter was filmed.

  From 2010 to 2015 I worked for a bank in Monaco.where the three of us lived.

  Her parents ran a little school,where her father taught maths and music.

  About 250,000 people attended the March on Washington in 1963,where King delivered the ‘I Have A Dream’ speech.

  There will still be many situationswhere direct medical intervention is required, such as treating heart attacks or broken bones, but there are many situationswhere telemedicine is not only useful, but desirable.

  The difficult fact is that we live in timeswhen high-energy food is plentiful and cheap.

  There will be timeswhen even the best therapist is tired or hungry or eager to leave on vacation.

  There are two days of the yearwhen the Sun is directly above the equator:20 or 21March, and 22 or 23 September.

  It was an erawhen middle-class homeowners could enjoy craftsmanship and beautiful design at an affordable price.

  I remember perfectly the momentwhen I decided to fully immerse myself in the field of design.

  The metaverse refers to digital worldsin which people will gather to work, play and hang out.

  We were living in a little village in Lancashirein which we were the only immigrant family.

  He lived near his shop, and there wasn’t a dayin which he didn’t go to work.

  Here’s brief list of some of those titles, authors, and the yearin which they were published.

  The wayin which care is deliveredwill be transformed by digital technology, especially in primary care.

  Early pilots were called “barnstormers” because at night they sometimes slept in the barns of the local farmsover which they had flown during the day.

  The society assumed there was no safe levelat which anyone could drink any alcohol at all.

  Parkinson’s disease is a conditionin which parts of the brain gradually bee damaged over many years.

  America would withdraw from the World Health Organisation (WHO),for which it has long been the primary funder.

  The easewith which we can access memories of lost loved ones on our phones or social media accounts, on the other hand, may end up trapping us in our grief.



  Solar power works better in areasthat have a lot of sunny weather.

  We’re marvelling at how many beautiful placesthere are in the UK to visit.

  Today we live in a worldthat is paced beyond our ancestors’ imaginationsand onewhich has traded cultural with consumerism.

  They also smuggled alcohol into the country from Canada,which became a huge supplier.

  Escape rooms are a type of gamewherepeople have to solve clues to “escape” from a situationthatthey are locked in.

  we’ve learnt to valuethe time we haveand whom we spend it with.

  2)现代口语里that常常代替关系副词,代替when, where, why和"介词+ which"引导定语从句。这也说明语言是发展的,语法会有不断简化的过程。

  Play is a time for children to just enjoy themselves, express themselves and explore in the waythat they want to.

  From the momentI waketill I fall asleep, all that I do is remember them.

  This is the momentwe have been waiting for, for so long.

  The dayI learned to tie my shoesstill brings to mind cherished memories of my dad.

  Darwin changed the waywe look at life on Earthforever.

  三、做定语,用whose或of which:

  In March 2022, Hubble found a starwhose light has taken 12.9 billion years to reach Earth– so it’s four billion years older than any starpreviously seen.

  A manwhose real name nobody knowsbuilt a cabin on the Rat River deep in the bush.

  We enjoy a warm relationship with our next-door neighbors,whose young children are the same age as ours.

  If you sometimes feel like you’re the only one of your friendswhose parents set rules for your gaming, it’s almost certainly not true.

  Dad found a used coupewhose overall look he liked.

  She is an enthusiastic bikerwhose social media is full of posts of interesting streetscapes seen on her rides.

  For thosewhose wages are gone, for thosewho need food, for thosewho have no place to call home, and for so many otherswho desperately need help and hope in this time of crisis.

  We went on long bike rides,the highlight of which was to stop at a village shop and buy a few pear drops and cola bottles.

  Eve’s friends have seen fake accounts on three dating sites,all of which used photos taken from her OnlyFans page.

  Urbanisation resulted in fragmented ecosystems,many of which were collapsing.

  This tension was central to nearly all of his writing,much of which is now collected in a new book, Race Man.

  I think of the French film ‘‘Time Out’’ and the Japanese film ‘‘Tokyo Sonata,’’each of whichmemorably depicts a fired white-collar workerwhose familythinks he is still going to the office.



  She is the girl who studies math hard.


  He is the man whomthat we talked about just now.


  This is the girl whose father is a policeman.


  They live in a house whose windows face south.


  I still remember the day when we first arrived in the city.


  This is the house in whichwhere we used to live.


  They arrived at a cottage, in front of which sat a little boy.


  I lost the pen that cost me 10 yuan.


  The woman lives downstairs, who is a musician.


  He passed the exam, which made his parents happy.

  11.、众所周知,中国将在2008年举办奥运会As we all know, china host the olympic games in 2008. china host the olympic games in 2008, which we all know.


  I will always remember the day when I joined the army.


  There are 50 students in our class, 23 of whom are girls.


  The day (thatwhich we expect) will e soon.


  They are talking about the people and things that they saw in the park.


  This is the one of the most famous scripts that was written in the 30s.


  This is the very present that I want to buy for her.


  The girl who is watching TV is Kate.


  She is the nurse that took care of these children.


  I met Mr. Smith, who told me the news.21、你认识我们在学校里遇见的教师吗?考试及答案

  Do you know the teacher whom we met in the school?


  She is the person we are looking for.


  The boy is Tom who lost his bag.

  The boy is tom whose bag was missing.


  The boys whose names are called stand up please.


  This is the book you want.


  This is the largest map that I have ever seen.


  July and august are the months that are very hot.


  It happened the day when I was born.


  He went to the school where he used to studied.


  Do you know the reason why we left early?


  1、They pushed open all the windows that remained closed for a whole month.他们把整整关了一个月的窗子都推开了。

  2、The custom dates from the times when men wore swords.该习俗始于人类佩带刀剑的时代。

  3、There were long periods when we had no news of him.我们曾好长时光没有他的消息。

  4、There is every chance that she will succeed.她完全有机会取得成功。

  5、The sports day is an occasion which we can all join in.运动日是大家都能参加运动的一个机会。She is one of the students that work very hard. 她是异常用功的学生之一。

  6、Glass, which breaks at a blow, is ,nevertheless, capable of withstanding great pressure.玻璃尽管一击就碎,却能承受很大的压力。

  7、He is the only one of us that knows Russian.他是我们中间唯一懂俄语的人。

  8、The journey, which I remember well, was very pleasant.我清楚地记得那次旅行很愉快。

  9、She was the last person that came back.她是最终一个回来的人。

  10、Watch for our new improved product, which will be on the market next week!等着看我们新改善的产品吧,它们将于下星期开始在市场上出售。

  11、That's the way how I learn English.那就是我学英语的方法。

  12、He is a shallow thinker whose opinions aren't worth much.他看问题很浅薄,他的意见没有多大价值。

  13、He was watching the children and parcels that filled the car.他望着塞满车的小孩和包裹。

  14、That is the reason why we must go now.这就是我们此刻必须走的理由。

  15、The situation (which) we had got into was very dangerous.我们当时的处境很危险。

  16、He gives the driest speech that I have ever listened to.他的讲话是我所听过的最枯燥的。

  17、This could be the winning game for the challenger, who only needs two more points for the championship.这场比赛可能是挑战者获胜,他只要再得两分就得冠军了。

  18、Is he the man that sells eggs?他是卖鸡蛋的那个人吗?

  19、She was shown into a small room, where there was a dying man.她被领进了一间小屋,那里有一个垂死的人。

  20、The reason why he is late is that his car went wrong.他迟到的原因是他的汽车坏了。

  21、All the presents that your friends give you on your birthday should be put away.你生日那天你的朋友送给你的礼物都必须收好。

  22、It is the same song that I heard yesterday afternoon.这就是我昨日午时听的那首歌。

  23、I went off in search of a garage where I could buy some petrol.我跑去寻找加油站买汽油。

  24、Freedom is something which is won, not granted.自由是争取来的,不是别人赏赐的。

  25、We may eventually bee members of the club, but this is not something that should be rushed into.我们最终会成为俱乐部成员的,但不能草率行事。

  26、Would you please correct any wrong spellings that you find?请改正你发现的拼写错误,好吗?

  27、Painting is something that I really enjoy doing.绘画才是我真正喜欢做的事。

  28、The letter that I received from him yesterday is very important.我昨日收到的他那封来信很重要。

  29、I've just struck on something which might be of use to us.我刚才想到一个办法可能会对我们有用。

  30、The man who I saw is called Smith.我见到的那个人名叫史密斯。

  31、Rule out neatly any words which you don't wish Jack to read.把你不想让杰克看的词句整整齐齐地划掉。

  32、The police have pulled in a half dozen people whom they suspect.警方已逮捕个他们怀疑的人。

  33、He who laughs last laughs best.谁笑到最终,谁笑得最好。

  34、I gave him old clothes which he made a penny of.我给了他一些旧衣服,让他拿去换钱。

  35、This is the room which is kept for the reception of visitors.这是专供接待来访者用的房间。

  36、The two brothers were satisfied with this decision,as was agreed beforehand.两兄弟对这个事先已经同意的决定都满意。 I never heard such stories as he tells.我从未听过他讲的这类故事。

  37、The women never drink in this manner, which is absolutely special to men.妇女从来不用这种方式喝酒,这完完全全是男人喝酒的方式。

  38、I have never seen such a man as you talked about.我从没见过你说到的那种人。

  39、The reason why she didn't get the job was that her English was not very good.她没得到这个工作的原因是她的英语不是很好。

  40、The third tree that I planted was cut down by someone again.我种下的第三棵树又被人砍倒了。

  41、There is a special parasite which gives rise to the itch.有一种异常的寄生虫会导致皮炎。

  42、Her attitude to him was quite the same as it had always been.她对他的态度同她一贯的态度完全一样。

  43、During this terrible year they took only such food as they could find.在这可怕的.年头里,他们只能找到什么吃什么。 He is not the same boy as he was.他和从前不一样了。

  44、He married a wife by whom he had two daughters.他娶了妻并和她生了两个女儿。

  45、The patient,who had been asleep for nearly three hours,began to move his limbs.病人睡了将近小时才开始动一动胳膊和腿。

  46、He proudly pointed out the biggest sheep, which already weighedkilograms.他骄傲地把最大的一只羊指给我们看,它已经有千克重了。

  47、The man (whom) we sent the present to is a doctor of laws.我们寄给他礼物的那个人是位法学博士。

  48、It was the largest map that I ever saw.那是我所看见过的最大的地图。

  49、Returning to a city where one used to live can be a saddening experience.重归故地有时会给人带来几许惆怅。

  50、Lally was right about the repairs which the cottage needed.拉莉关于农舍需要如何修理的意见是正确的。

  51、We have worked out a scheme which should save the pany several thousand pounds a year. 我们设计出一个一年可为公司节省几千英镑的计划。

  52、The first thing that I want to do now is to have a drink.我此刻想做的第一件事就是喝点酒。

  53、He was the only person that could rule over the tribes.他是唯一能统治那些部族的人。

  54、That's the same man that asked for help the day before yesterday.这个人与前天求援的是同一个人。

  55、He is the last man that I want.他是我最不想见的人。

  56、People who walk on the grass are liable to a fine.在草坪上行走要罚款。

  57、The person (whom) you wish to see has e.你期望见到的人已经来了。

  58、He quickly knocked out the few things that had to be looked after before leaving.他迅速办好了几件动身前必须料理的事情。 This is the very book that I have been looking for.这是我一向寻找的那本书。

  59、I have no money that I can spare.我没有剩余的钱。

  60、I have some things that I must do today.我有一些今日必须做的工作。

  61、Water is the natural medium in which most fish live.水是大多数鱼类生活的天然环境。

  62、The man who telephoned was a friend of yours.打电话的人是你的一位朋友。

  63、The play,whose style is rigidly formal,is typical of the period.这剧本是那个时期的典型作品,风格拘谨刻板。

  64、The tourists sought out a shady spot where they sat down and rested. 旅游者找到一块阴凉的地方坐下休息。

  65、feel sorry for famous people who live their lives in the glare of publicity.我真可怜那些要在众目睽睽之下生活的名人。 He's not the kind of man who would go back on his words.他不是那种背信弃义的人。

  66、There is a lady who wants to see you.有一位女士要见你。

  67、I like those cookies that are coated with chocolate spread.我喜欢那些裹巧克力酱的甜饼。

  68、This is the point,from which all distances are measured.从这一点开始来测量各个方向的距离。

  69、I dislike the school to which he belongs.我不喜欢他所在的那所学校。

  70、The worst matter that I am afraid of happened in the end.我担心的最糟的事情最终发生了。

  71、If you run back over the season, you can't pick out a game in which he played badly.如果你回顾一下那个赛季,你找不出他哪一场打得不好。

  72、This is one of the basic reasons why some of our work can't be done well.这是我们有些工作做不好的一个基本原因。 This is the way how he always treats me. 他一贯就是这样对待我的。

  73、The girl with whom he had been living for two years suddenly packed her bags and left.这姑娘和他同居了两年,突然收拾起行李走掉了。

  74、Nobody is going to buy a house whose front door opens onto a gas works.没有谁会买一栋前门对着煤气厂的房子。 I'd like a room whose window looks out over the sea.我想要一个窗户面临大海的房间。

  75、Jenney dreams of the day when she will be playing the piano for a living.珍妮梦想着有朝一日能以演奏钢琴为生。 This is the hour when the place is full of people.这种时候这地方到处都是人。

  76、That's the girl (whom) I teach. 那就是我教的女孩。

  77、Here is the car that I had told you about.这就是我和你谈过的那辆汽车。

  78、She is the very person that I wanted to see.她正是我要见的人。

  79、We talked about the persons and things that we remembered in school.我们谈到了我们还记得的学校中的人和事。 Which of the books that you bought yesterday was written by Bacon?你昨日买的哪本书是培根写的?




  1)who, whom, that


  Is he the man whothat wants to see you?


  He is the man whom that I saw yesterday.


  2) Whose 用来指人或物,(只用作定语, 若指物,它还能够同of which互换), 例如:

  They rushed over to help the man whose car had broken down. 那人车坏了,大家都跑过去帮忙.

  Please pass me the book whose (of which) cover is green. 请递给我那本绿皮的书.

  3)which, that


  A prosperity which  that had never been seen before appears in the countryside. 农村出现了前所未有的繁荣.(which  that在句中作宾语)

  The package (which  that) you are carrying is about to e unwrapped. 你拿的包快散了.(which  that在句中作宾语)



  1)when, where, why

  关系副词when, where, why的含义相当于"介词+ which"结构,所以常常和"介词+ which"结构交替使用,例如:

  There are occasions when (on which) one must yield. 任何人都有不得不屈服的时候.

  Beijing is the place where (in which) I was born. 北京是我的出生地.

  Is this the reason why (for which) he refused our offer? 这就是他拒绝我们帮忙他的理由吗?


  that能够用于表示时光、地点、方式、理由的名词后代替when, where, why和"介词+ which"引导的定语从句,在口语中that常被省略,例如:

  His father died the year (that  when  in which) he was born. 他父亲在他出生那年逝世了.

  He is unlikely to find the place (that  where  in which) he lived forty years ago. 他不大可能找到他四十年前居住过的地方.


  方法一: 用关系代词,还是关系副词完全取决于从句中的谓语动词.及物动词后面无宾语,就必须要求用关系代词;而不及物动词则要求用关系副词.例如:

  This is the mountain village where I stayed last year.

  I'll never forget the days when I worked together with you.

  确定改错(注:先显示题,再显示答案,横线;用不一样的颜色表示 出.)

  (错) This is the mountain village where I visited last year.

  (错) I will never forget the days when I spent in the countryside.

  (对) This is the mountain village (which) I visited last year.

  (对) I'll never forget the days (which) I spent in the countryside.

  习惯上总把表地点或时光的名词与关系副词 where, when联系在一齐.此两题错在关系词的误用上.

  方法二: 准确确定先行词在定语从句中的成分(主、谓、宾、定、状),也能正确选择出关系代词关系副词.

  例1. Is this museum ___ you visited a few days age?

  A. where B. that C. on which D. the one

  例2. Is this the museum ____ the exhibition was held.

  A. where B. that C. on which D. the one

  答案:例1 D,例2 A

  例1变为肯定句: This museum is ___ you visited a few days ago.

  例2变为肯定句: This is the museum ___ the exhibition was held.

  在句1中,所缺部分为宾语,而where, that, on which都不能起到宾语的作用,仅有the one既做了主句的表语,又可做从句的宾语,能够省略关系代词,所以应选D.

  而句2中, 主、谓、宾俱全,从句部分为句子的状语表地点,既可用副词where,又因 in the museum词组,可用介词in + which 引导地点状语.而此题中,介词on 用的不对,所以选A.

  关系词的.选择依据在从句中所做的成分,先行词在从句中做主、定、宾语时,选择关系代词 (who, whom, that, which, whose); 先行词在从句中做状语时,应选择关系副词 ( where 地点状语,when 时光状语,why 原因状语) .


  1) 定语从句有限制性和非限制性两种.限制性定语从句是先行词不可缺少的部分,去掉它主句意思往往不明确;非限制性定语从句是先行词的附加说明,去掉了也不会影响主句的意思,它与主句之间通常用逗号分开,例如:

  This is the house which we bought last month. 这是我们上个月买的那幢房子.(限制性)

  The house, which we bought last month, is very nice.这幢房子很漂亮,是我们上个月买的.(非限制性)

  2) 当先行词是专有名词或物主代词和指示代词所修饰时,其后的定语从句通常是非限制性的,例如:

  Charles Smith, who was my former teacher, retired last year. 查理史密斯去年退休了,他以往是我的教师.

  My house, which I bought last year, has got a lovely garden. 我去年买的的那幢房子带着个漂亮的花园.

  This novel, which I have read three times, is very touching. 这本小说很动人,我已经读了三遍.

  3) 非限制性定语从句还能将整个主句作为先行词, 对其进行修饰, 这时从句谓语动词要用第三人称单数,例如:

  He seems not to have grasped what I meant, which greatly upsets me. 他似乎没抓住我的意思,这使我心烦.

  Liquid water changes to vapor, which is called evaporation. 液态水变为蒸汽,这就叫做蒸发.





  3) 某些在从句中充当时光,地点或原因状语的"介词+关系词"结构能够同关系副词when 和where 互换.

  This is the house in which I lived two years ago.

  This is the house where I lived two years ago.

  Do you remember the day on which you joined our club?

  Do you remember the day when you joined our club?

  6.as, which 非限定性定语从句

  由as, which 引导的非限定性定语从句,as和which可代整个主句,相当于and this或and that.As一般放在句首,which在句中.

  As we know, smoking is harmful to one's health.

  The sun heats the earth, which is very important to us.


  1)Alice received an invitation from her boss, ___came as a surprise.

  A. it B. that C. which D. he

  答案C. 此为非限定性从句,不能用 that修饰,而用which.,it 和he 都使后句成为句子,两个独立的句子不能单以逗号连接.况且选he句意不通.

  2)The weather turned out to be very good, ___ was more than we could expect.

  A. what B. which C. that D. it

  答案B.which可代替句子,用于非限定性定语从句,而what不可.That 不能用于非限定性定语从句,it不为连词,使由逗号连接的两个句子并在一齐在英语语法上行不通.

  3)It rained hard yesterday, ____ prevented me from going to the park..

  A. that B. which C. as D. it


  as 和which在引导非限制性定语从句时,这两个关系代词都指主句所表达的整个意思,且在定语从句中都能够作主语和宾语.但不一样之处主要有两点:

  (1) as 引导的定语从句可置于句首,而which不可.

  (2) as 代表前面的整个主句并在从句中作主语时,从句中的谓语必须是系动词;若为行为动词,则从句中的关系代词只能用which..


  As 的用法

  例1. the same… as;such…as 中的as 是一种固定结构, 和……一样…….

  I have got into the same trouble as he (has).

  例2. as可引导非限制性从句,常带有'正如'.

  As we know, smoking is harmful to one's health.

  As is know, smoking is harmful to one's health.



  1)Whoever spits in public will be punished here.

  (Whoever 能够用 anyone who 代替)

  2)The parents will use what they have to send their son to technical school.

  (what 能够用all that代替)

  8.whatwhatever;thatwhat; whowhoever

  1)what = the thing which;whatever = anything

  What you want has been sent here.

  Whatever you want makes no difference to me.

  2) who= the person that whoever= anyone who

  (错)Who breaks the law will be punished.

  (错)Whoever robbed the bank is not clear.

  (对)Whoever breaks the law will be punished.

  (对)Who robbed the bank is not clear.

  3) that 和 what

  当that引导定语从句时 ,通常用作关系代词,而引导名词性从句时,是个不充当任何成分的连接词.宾语从句和表语从句中的that常可省略.What只能引导名词性从 句, 用作连接代词,作从句的具体成分,且不能省略.

  I think (that) you will like the stamps.

  What we need is more practice.

  9.关系代词that 的用法


  a) 在引导非限定性定语从句时.

  (错) The tree, that is four hundred years old, is very famous here.

  b) 介词后不能用.

  We depend on the land from which we get our food.

  We depend on the land thatwhich we get our food from.

  2) 只能用that作为定语从句的关系代词的情景

  a) 在there be 句型中,只用that,不用which.

  b) 在不定代词,如:anything, nothing, the one, all, much, few, any, little等作先行词时,只用that,不用which.

  c) 先行词有the only, the very修饰时,只用that.

  d) 先行词为序数词、数词、形容词最高级时,只用that..

  e) 先行词既有人,又有物时.


  All that is needed is a supply of oil.


  Finally, the thief handed everything that he had stolen to the police.



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