

时间:2024-01-02 16:29:53


  付出与收获 Hard Work and Ine

  I always hear about my friends’ plaining, they say their ine is such low that they can’t not make ends meet. At first, I would pity for them, but in the long run, I find their work is so easy, they just sit in the office from 9 am to 5 pm, they even don’t need to go out for business. While I see another friend, he works so hard, his working hour is very unstable, sometimes he even works until 9 pm. The fact is that he earns the most between my friends. It is true that no pain, no gain, if people want more, they need to pay out more. Comparing to be envy about other people’s great ine, we’d better to work hard to realize what we want. There is not short-cut for people to get successful, working hard is the only way.

  我总是听到朋友们的抱怨,他们说收入太少了,以至于无法收支平衡。刚开始,我会为他们感到遗憾,可是长期下来,我发现他们的工作很简便,他们在办公室里朝九晚五地坐着,甚至不需要外出跑业务。然而我看到了另外一个朋友,他很奋力工作,工作时光不稳定,有时候甚至于工作到晚上九点。事实上,他是我朋友之中赚得最多的。没有付出,就没有收获, 确实如此,如果人们想要更多,需要付出更多。与其羡慕别人的高收入,不如奋力工作来实现我们想要的。成功没有捷径,奋力工作是唯一的方法。


  国外学生不奋力学习?Foreign Students Study Not Hard?

  When people talk about the foreign education, they will be envious, because they think foreign students study in a very easy way, they don’t care much about study, they care about playing. When we take a look at our students, they need to put their minds on studying, they study so hard. The obvious difference makes people criticize our education. But the truth is that foreign students also need to study hard, when they go to college, they realize the pressure and start to focus their minds on study, for the purpose of making living. Foreign students play hard before they go to college. We only look at the foreign students before their campus life, so foreign students don’t play all the time.



  第一次上讲台 The First to Stand In Front of the Platform

  I still remember the first time to stand in front of the platform, it was two years ago, I was arranged by my headmaster to get my internship, I would go to the countryside to be a teacher. When I arrived at the school, at first, I did not get used to the environment, but after a week, I got used to it. I was asked to teach the students English, I felt so never that night, I worried the students wouldn’t listen to me. In the morning, I had to start my class, my feet seemed to hard to move on. When I went to the platform, all the students looked at me, I was so nervous, then I introduced myself, as I went further in the class, I found myself felt much more ease, the students cooperate with me, I felt more and more confident. I learned so much from my first time to stand in front of the platform.



  让梦想成真Make It Be

  Don’t allow your troubles to get the best of you. Instead, allow those troubles to make the best of you.


  Don’t tire yourself out fighting against the challenges. Instead, find new energy by embracing1 those challenges and working through them to create real value.


  Always remind yourself that discour-agement is nothing more than a response you’ve chosen. When you find that you’ve chosen to let it be, you can just as surely choose to let it go.


  Replace discouragement with determin-ation. It is your life’s energy, and you can point it in whatever direction you choose. Your most powerful response is not based only on what has already happened. Your most powerful response also takes into account what you wish to make happen next.


  Look forward, and envision in great detail the future you desire. Then gather all your energy, and step forward to make it be.



  追求稳定还是创业 To Pursue Stability or Do Pioneering Work

  When college students graduate, most of them will choose to join the civil servants exam or further study, these two choices bee more and more popular, they have the mon side, that is stability. The young people pay special attention to stability when they find a job, because in today’s society, the pressure is so heavy, they fear to lose job, working for the government is the best choice for them, they don’t have to worry about losing jobs. While they are so young, they should be energetic, they should do the pioneering work, they have nothing to lose, because they have nothing at the beginning. If the young people don’t dare to fight, they waste their youth, all their lives are insipid, when they are old, they look back on their youth, just nothing leaves. If the young people want to do pioneering work, just do it, take no hesitation.



  审美标准 The Standard of Beauty

  It has been admitted that beautiful outlook can bring people a lot of attention, the beautiful person always win the chances to be successful. But what is the standard of a beauty, different times have different standard. In our parents’ generation, it was believed that a girl should be a little fatter, because it meant that she lived the better life, while the thin girl would be thought to be lacking of happiness. In today, the standard of beauty has changed, the most important standard of a beauty is to be thin, the thinner, the better. When we look at the mercial ads, all of the models are skinny, with the beautiful dress, they look so gorgeous. When I see my friends work so hard to lose weight, I feel worried about them. They don’t have to do it, the beauty’s standard will change any time. We should stay the way we are.



  梦想,你心中永久的活力Dream,A Pas

  英语励志短文带翻译:It’s December, so most of the year is now behind us. But there’s a new year ing up, which will give us time to live, to love, to give, and to make our dreams e true.


  Everyone in this world has a dream: a passion, duanwenw a vision in their life that pulls them and urges them to move forward in life. You, my friend have this vision with-in you. It "whispers" to you sometimes, but in some cases, it cries out. It cries out to be listened to and acted upon because this vision es from your soul.


  Within this "Inner Vision" there lies the magic of living your life with passion, fulfillment and purpose. This means being true to who you really are —and living your life on purpose with all the passion and energy you are capable of living.


  When you live from your inner passions, duanwenw you’ll never have to seek agreement from others —you’ll be the master of your own destiny. More importantly, you’ll feel whole, connected and inspired.


  Find your inner fire, your sense of purpose; this fire will help you harness strengths you’re not even aware you have. Be connected with your inner passion and live that passion daily.




  My deskmate is a lively and cheerful girl, she has a pair of small eyes and a small mouth, often a pair of smart in fact, she is called Liu Tianqing.


  My deskmate Liu Tianqing and I sat down from the third grade to the fifth grade, but she always beat me or scolded me, but also said when she was good to me: once Liu Tianqing had a birthday, she invited me to her birthday party, but I did not refuse, until that day her mother was very warm to us, ordered many delicious food, but I had a big meal, and once Liu Tianqing was in the middle I want to take me to kick shuttlecock at noon. I said I cant kick shuttlecock. She said: its OK to kick shuttlecock casually. Just playing at noon is like I can kick shuttlecock. Its my deskmate that makes me able to kick shuttlecock, which makes me love to kick shuttlecock.


  This is my deskmate



  Monday morning is sunny, but its not long.


  On Thursday, there was a strong wind suddenly. The weather forecast said that it would be snowy tomorrow. Please add more clothes to avoid illness. Suddenly I heard a ticking sound on the window. I ran to have a look. Ah! Its raining! And there are snow grains in the rain! I jumped up happily and said, "great, I can make a snowman in a few days!" On Friday, I went to school. The rain has stopped. However, when it was time to leave school at noon, there was a lot of snow outside the classroom. After class, I went downstairs to play with my classmates. The snow was falling more and more heavily. My head was covered with snow. My clothes were almost wet.


  On Sunday morning, let alone how heavy the snow is. Its snowy all over the sky. A head of snow fell on my neck itching, cool. There is already snow on the roof, like transparent glass. The snow floating on the tree is like putting a new white dress on the tree; floating on the ground is like putting a layer of white yarn on the ground; floating in the field is like putting a thick quilt on the wheat.


  Ah! I was surprised by the sudden snow this week. Although it didnt last long, it was the first snow in winter. I was looking forward to the second snow, so I could really make snowmen and fight snowfights


  Once I read the story that the little eagles needed to practice flying in the

  cliff before they could fly. The successful ones could fly and became the strong birds while the failed ones would crash and then died. The mother eagles are brutal to the babies, but this is the price of growing up. The little eagles who fail to fly would not live long in the natural petition. It makes me think of the children, some

  parents spoil the kids and they don’t realize it will destroy their children. The children need to learn the lessons, so that they can be the tough person. The road

  of being mature needs the price.




  In the morning, I went to school with my schoolbag on my back. When I got to school, I saw boys fighting snowball and girls making snowmen. They had a good time.


  At noon, the sun shines on the earth and trees, bright and beautiful. My classmates and I are happy to say that winter is beautiful while watching the snow!


  In the afternoon, when the sun set, we couldnt see the bright snow. We were disappointed. At this time, I came out to you and said, "dont lose heart, there will be bright tomorrow noon." The students are happy to carry their schoolbags home


  This morning I got up early and went to the market to buy some vegetables instead my mother for the first time.

  The market was very crowded and busy with nearly all kinds of goods on display. Some sellers were shouting at the top of their voice to attract the attention of the people. Housewives were picking out vegetables and bargaining with the sellers. A man was selling fresh fish, which were swimming in a big basin, and a lot of buyers crowded around it and chose what they wanted. One fruit seller, standing behind piles of fresh fruit, greeted me Warmly, trying to persuade me to buy some. He felt a little disappointed when I shook my head.

  What a busy and noisy market!






  "My father never goes home and often doesnt have a holiday. My father asks you not to worry about it. My mother and I are at home. I learned to go home alone, to play alone, to do things alone... " The father in this song is my father. He is a soldier defending his country. He is unyielding and brave.


  Dad is not tall, but he has a great figure and is full of muscles. My father has a face with Chinese characters, big bright eyes, and a dignified brow. His waistline is always straight, and he wears a neat uniform from Monday to Friday, which is often the same on weekends.


  Dad has a wide range of hobbies: reading, playing chess, calligraphy, fishing, cooking, and work. He is a workaholic. He often works late into the night, like a robot who doesnt want to stop. Alas! My mother and I have plaints, but also understand him, who calls us relatives! Dads cooking skill is really a master in the world. Its parable with the delicacy of the hotel chef. I like his fried sea cucumber best. Its really delicious in the world. Enjoy it on the tip of the tongue!


  Dad also has a saying: "in the world, as long as you are willing to work hard, there is no bad thing to do.". I have also been learning from him to be an honest, brave and responsible person. Maybe Im not good enough now. I often disappoint and hurt him, but I will continue to grow. After that, I want to protect my family and my country, just like my father


  I have many hobbies.In my spare time,I like listening to some pop music,especially the music played by some pop bands.It can make me relax and let me forget my unhappy moment. If Im in good mood,I always read some history books,which I think is benefical to my study .Besides,surfing the Internet is another means of entertainment of mine.Through the Internet I can get some useful information and chat with my friends as well.The Internet has shortened our distance.



  果园里,一种种水果你争我抢,都想让人去摘呢!苹果高兴的说:“人们必须会先摘我的。”桃子说:“你不可能是第一个,我才可能是第一个。”梨子说:“不可能,我才是第一个呢,你看,我全身都是肉,还水灵灵的.,人们必须会先摘我的。” 这时候,人们来了,他们说:“最近果园的水果长的不错,可是先摘哪个呢?”他们想了想,决定先摘梨子。梨子高兴的说:“你看,我就说了我是第一个被摘的。”这时候苹果也被摘了许多,苹果不甘示弱的说:“梨子是第一个,那我就是第二个。”桃子也被摘了一些,桃子平静的说:“那我就是第三个。”之后,别的水果陆续被摘了。摘完了,人们都兴高采烈的回家了。 秋天真是一个丰收的季节啊!

  Orchard, a variety of fruits you fight for me to rob, want to let people pick it! Apple said happily, "people will pick me first." "You cant be the first, I cant be the first," said the peach "No way," said the pear, "Im the first one. You see, Im full of meat and water. People will pick me first." At this time, people came and they said, "the fruit in the orchard has grown well recently, but which one should be picked first?" They thought about it and decided to pick pears first. The pear said happily, "look, I said I was the first one to be picked." At this time, the apple was also picked a lot. The apple said, "the pear is the first, and I am the second." Some peaches were picked, and the peaches said calmly, "then I am the third." Then, other fruits were picked one after another. After picking, people went home happily. Autumn is really a harvest season!


  People always confuse about the meaning of happiness, they don’t know how to

  define it. Some people think that when one has the successful career or does something that makes contribution to the society is the happiness. It is mon that great acts are admired by the public and people are easy to feel the happiness. While in my opinion, happiness is very easy to achieve. When I stay with my family, we have the nice talk and I feel very happy. When I eat the delicious food that is cooked by my mother,

  I feel moved and happy. Happiness is around everywhere, we can feel it if we treat

  it right.



  I am not fond of basketball,let alone to play it.But I have seen a wonderful basketball game between my class and postgraduate class.It is so wonderful that I cannt help asking myself "Is it real".The answer is pretty yes.I also learn a lot from the game.

  First ,teamwork is very important.You are sure to fail if you play by yourself.So five members must play together and well orgnized.Second ,you should have a aim.In order to reach it,you should try your best.

  Last,never give up whatever have happened.Even if you get low scores,you shouldnt give up.If there is a will,there is a way.If there is a will ,there is also a opportunity.And you can make failure into success.Believe yourself and believe your team.You are the best one.





  In winter, tea tea tree is winter snow cover a layer of white jacket, said: "in winter, its very nice of you, thank you for giving me the jacket, let me warm, let people be able to drink good tea, if not you, people will not drink to drink tea is so good, I will not so warm. Thank you again." In the winter, said a need to go away.

  I got up in the morning and went to the window to open the window! Its snowing!" I eat breakfast at a friends house to call them out and snowball fights. I called my sister and three children in the neighborhood with snowball fights. Hit the time when thinking about two things: first, the snow in the winter let us play, two will not be injured. We are happy to play.

  Winter, let the world is full of white. Winter, let us play happily. In winter, let us think of a word: "suddenly, such as spring night, the trees of pear blossoms! In winter, many crops have a white cotton padded jacket. In winter, let the world is clear. We love winter. Winter is beautiful!





  My father is busy all the time, he always goes out very early and then goes

  home after very late. He doesn’t have much time to acpany me, my

  mother tells me that what he does is for the family, so I am considerate and get used to his absence. But recently, I found my father changed. He got more time to stay with me, he got home earlier and then taught me with my homework. I was

  so surprised and happy, this was the life I wanted all the time. I asked my father what happened, he said he wanted to spend more time with me, he realized it was the most important thing. by the fathers who are Olympic champions, their kids have the strong desire to win. When their fathers lose in the game, the kids will be very sad and can’t accept the result. No one can win all the time, we have to learn to accept the bad result. The kids think their fathers are NO.1, so they treat their fathers as the absolutely winners. Sometimes the strong desire is not good for the kids to grow up, they should have the positive attitude to the result.最近,真人秀很流行,异常是有关父亲如何与他们小孩相处的节目。那些父亲都是名人,他们都有着杰出的事业。对于那些身为奥运冠军的父亲,我留下了很深的印象,他们的'小孩有着强烈的愿望要去赢。当父亲们输掉比赛时,小孩们会很悲痛,无法理解结果。没有人能够一向赢,我们要学会理解不好的结果。小孩认为他们的父亲是第一名,所以他们把父亲当作理所当然的赢家。有时候赢的强烈意愿并不利于小




  After the Mid Autumn Festival finally arrived, the moon came out at night, I looked up at the moon, the moon like a big disk, not only the moon is round, thousands of families are reunited. My parents and I are eating delicious moon cakes and fruits! The moonlight is shining gently. At this time, I also miss my grandpa, grandma, Grandpa and grandma from afar. Its true that I miss my family more than I think during the holidays!


  in fact ,i would be a "house girl(boy)",l like playing puter at home all day to watch tv,

  or lying in bed reading,I do not like talking with others,and l like eat fast food when i stayed along in my house .just because this ,i have no feriends,and sometime i felt lonely.

  but now ,i changed a lot ,I have a lot of friends like others ,Sometimes we go outside to have a picnic,or we hold parties,whats more ,i attend a club that can help me how to municate with people of different age,and ,i bee a outgoing girl ,now ,l smile a lot and my mother fell very happy about my change.



  My favorite star is Jackie Chan. He is one of the most popular stars in the world. I like him very much not only because his movie are exciting but also because he is very friendly. I like his new movie Rush Hour 3 best. I think it is a successful action movie. Jackie Chan lives in Hong Kong now. He likes doing sports very much. His favorite color is white .He also likes Beijing Opera. He has many fans at home and abroad. I hope he is happy all his life.




  My dream I have a dream, is to be a teacher, I hold the view that a teacher is a very glorious thing, I like to teach people to learn to write, I can educate my students to do a useful, and I was their good friend, I can feel so acplished, I shall also very happy. So I want to be a teacher 我的`梦想 我有一个梦想,是做一名教师,我认为做一名教师是十分光荣的事情,我喜欢教别人学习,写字,我能够教育我的学生做一个有用的人,我也是他们的好朋友,这样我能够感到有成就,我也会所以十分开心.所以我期望成为一名教师。


  I love to read the classic fairy tale, every night, mother gave me to read two stories, like the magic brush, "the carp jump longmen", nezha conquers make the sea ", "river snail girl"... .

  There are a lot of foreign classic fairy tales, such as "Grimms fairy tales", "Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale", "one thousand nights", "Aesops fables"... .

  These books with beautiful language, rich imagination, tells the story of one of happiness, anger, sorrow, joy and moving story. Lets see those kind, lovely, good wishes for their hearts, have in mon, the final step by step toward the light; Also see the greed, hypocrisy, and wicked people, for their evil, be punished. These stories make me understand a truth, to do an honest, kind person since I was a child, because to make others happy, we, too, must be happy.

  Classic tale beautiful language, imagination is rich, full of praise of human nature and the ugly, I like to read classics.






  1. My Dreams I want to be a teacher when I listen to my teacher carefully. I think I can be a teacher when I grow up. I can help many students learn things well. I can play with my students, too. So we are good friends.

  I want to be a doctor when I see many doctors save their patients. To be a doctor is really great. I think I can be a doctor when I grow up. Then I can help many people out of danger. I will be the happiest girl in the world.

  I want to be a reporter when I watch TV every evening. We can get lots of important information from them. They make the world smaller and also make us happy. I would like to be a reporter when I grow up. And I can learn a lot about China and the other countries around the world. I can meet many superstars as well.

  I have lots of dreams. I think my dreams can e true one day, because theres an old saying “where there is a will, there is a way.” 2.My Lifestyle Different people have different lifestyles. They do the same things from morning to evening every day. Usually, they write their plans on paper. But sometimes they remember what things they will do in their minds. I also have my own lifestyle. It is wonderful! I get up early on weekdays, and do the school things then. But at the weekend, I never get up early. I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime. One day, I stayed in bed very late. It was a weekday. The clock rang. It was six thirty. But I didnt hear it. I stayed in bed until seven oclock. I looked at the clock and jumped from the bed to the floor. I was afraid, “Oh, my God, I will be late.” I shouted. So I didnt have breakfast. I put on my shoes and took a taxi to the school. I was in good luck that day. I wasnt late for school. I was pleased that time. I think I should get up earlier on weekdays or

  I will be late. I believe you get up earlier on weekdays. Best wishes for you.


  In June, the flowers in full bloom season; In June, and the wind blowing the Buddha, the sun is shining; In June, is also our festival; On this day, our school held a large festival performances.

  With the wonderful music, the curtain slowly rising, festival show began. You see! On both sides of the stage, slowly out of the pairs of girl wear kimonos, all is their dance, like a little flower in the wind, graceful; When the music bees the high intense, they swing the waist, opened the ideologues floret umbrella, like a little mushroom in the rain, the dizzying. Oh! They are a little (a) class of performance. Is really wonderful! When the lights suddenly became dark, speed up the pace of music, a beam of red light in the middle of the table, a the grass skirt, with countless tails girl, with music and dancing. Oh! She in African dance!

  The festival performances, from grade school, every class of performance are selected, many class can only choose a, and our class is very lucky, selected the two programs. "Saxophone ensemble" and the "Latin". My favorite is my piano recital, selected by the school but did not, though in the best, only got a silver medal. Since the two selected, the teacher every day with our rehearsals, one of the most hard is jump Latin dance, before we havent learned a few people, is only temporary, please classmates to tutoring. Although in practice some classmates repeatedly, and made great changes, through the joint efforts of everyone, insisted on down.

  The next program to play in our class, I saw countless flashing light from the flash, like with a rabbit in my heart, "beat" straight jump, however, still keep a smile on his face, I said to myself: there are many teachers and parents looking at me, I cant make a fool of yourself! Hence, music sounded, I try to set up her skirt, try to do the best gestures, leave the most beautiful dance to the audience the audience. A round of applause ended our performance, we are easy to step down after the audience with a bow, suddenly found that my mouth smile went numb...

  I like the festival very much, because she can give each of us the opportunity to show their most beautiful style and individual talent, at the same time, can also learn about to so many classmates, have their skills, perhaps, this is what people often say: we are the future of our motherland...







  We live in the earth which is surrounded by the water, water is very important to people’s lives, no one can live without water.

  Electricity is also important, we can see in the night and so many things we use must work with electricity.

  Water and electricity are precious resources, we should save them and use them in recycle.

  Saving these precious resources makes a contribution to people.






  Now, I am sixth grade student.

  After ten years later, I will be a college graduate and apply for the first job in my life.

  I think I will be a teacher, because it’s my dream.

  I will teach my students all I know.

  Maybe I will meet some problems and challenges in my new job, but they can’t beat me.

  Besides, I can earn money and support myself at that time. Therefore, I can do a lot of things I like.

  For example, I can travel in summer or winter vacation.

  Or I can go to see a movie at weekends.

  It seems so wonderful.












  Today, my classmates and I went to Yueqing Huanshan ecological leisure park for spring outing. We played tug of war, mashed Ciba, and Taobao. Finally, we took a group photo. My heart is very happy!


  So many activities, I think the most fun is tug of war, our team used a lot of strength or lost, but I am still very happy!


  In North, when winter es, the weather is very cold, the cloud covers the sunshine all the time, it is hard for people to see the sunshine.

  So the sunshine bees very rare in the winter, when it es, I will feel very fortable, my mood turns good even I am not happy.

  I love sunshine, it just like the hope for me.





  Everybody knows that there is serious problem of water pollution on the earth. Yes,water pollution is increasing.

  Look! The water in the river is getting dirtier and dirtier. Most of fish in the water have died,and we can’t swim in the water.

  My grandfather says,when he was very little,the water in the river was very clean. He often swam in the river with his friends.

  That was before,but now we can’t see such clean rivers. Let’s protect the water from pollution,because we can’t live without water. The water is really important to us all.






  What is success? I think different people will have different answers. Some people think that success is earning a great deal of money or working in the government. Or success is nothing but we look for all the time. In my opinion, success is quite simple. It means you can live the life you want and you can feel happiness very often. Sometime, money cannot bring you happiness or satisfaction, and you can’t have the feeling of success. Because money is just the tool to achieve your goal but never the goal. Therefore, looking for what you really want and then work hard for it. Then you are close to success.





  Winter is ing, winter is ing! After a heavy snow, there is a silver world everywhere.


  After lunch, the children put on their hats, scarves, gloves and padded jackets, and all came out to play. Some are practicing skiing, some are making snowmen, some are skating on the ice, and some are having snowball fights. See how happy they are!


  果园里,一种种水果你争我抢,都想让人去摘呢!苹果高兴的说:“人们必须会先摘我的。”桃子说:“你不可能是第一个,我才可能是第一个。”梨子说:“不可能,我才是第一个呢,你看,我全身都是肉,还水灵灵的,人们必须会先摘我的。” 这时候,人们来了,他们说:“最近果园的水果长的不错,可是先摘哪个呢?”他们想了想,决定先摘梨子。梨子高兴的说:“你看,我就说了我是第一个被摘的.。”这时候苹果也被摘了许多,苹果不甘示弱的说:“梨子是第一个,那我就是第二个。”桃子也被摘了一些,桃子平静的说:“那我就是第三个。”之后,别的水果陆续被摘了。摘完了,人们都兴高采烈的回家了。 秋天真是一个丰收的季节啊!

  Orchard, a variety of fruits you fight for me to rob, want to let people pick it! Apple said happily, "people will pick me first." "You cant be the first, I cant be the first," said the peach "No way," said the pear, "Im the first one. You see, Im full of meat and water. People will pick me first." At this time, people came and they said, "the fruit in the orchard has grown well recently, but which one should be picked first?" They thought about it and decided to pick pears first. The pear said happily, "look, I said I was the first one to be picked." At this time, the apple was also picked a lot. The apple said, "the pear is the first, and I am the second." Some peaches were picked, and the peaches said calmly, "then I am the third." Then, other fruits were picked one after another. After picking, people went home happily. Autumn is really a harvest season!


  Educators have known for a long time that people learn in different ways. That is why teachers present information in various forms. For example, as well as explaining a new language, language teachers often provide other learning experiences such as books, charts, videos, audio cassettes, songs, debates and group work. In this way, all students in a class have an opportunity to learn in the way that best suits them.

  In the last 50 years or so, researchers have been studying learners in an attempt to identify all the possible learning styles that humans use. They have found that we can very roughly divide people into three groups — those who learn best through seeing, those who learn best through listening and those who learn best through moving, doing or touching.

  Some research has identified eight distinct learning styles, and researchers have made up tests to find out which of these learning styles best suits different people. These tests show that, although most people have one dominant style of learning, they are also able to use other learning styles effectively. Some people even seem to have many different learning styles.

  The advantage of knowing what kind of learner you are is that you can then study in the way that best suits your learning style.





  2learning chinese style

  As we know,Chinese is one of the most beautiful languages all over the world,the words of which are also more beautiful than any other languages.The difference between Chinese words and other languages is that Chinese words are square.Chinese culture is rich,such as poems,handwriting,songs and so on.

  What you should do is that you ought to read as much as possible if you feel like learning Chinese well,then you can write down a read report,which is good for your Chinese ability.And the more history you read ,the better your Chinese ability is.Whatmore,attending a lecture is also a good way to improve your Chinese.



  3My English learning style

  I personally think that English is difficult to learn English,I love english.I have been learning English is very serious.Although my English is not the best,but I will try todo it better.

  I remember once,my English homework unfinished remember words one morning,I get up early to recite words,although I was very tired but English is a cumulative process.My English is so serious about.

  This is my study of English style!





  Want to Know

  It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing.

  It doesn’t interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dreams, for the adventure of being alive.

  It doesn’t interest me what planets are squaring your moon. I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrow, if you have been opened by life’s betrayals or have bee shriveled and closed from fear of further pain!

  It doesn’t interest me if the story you’re telling me is true. I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself; if you can bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul. if you can be faithful and therefore be trustworthy.

  It doesn’t interest me to know where you live or how much money you have. I want to know if you can get up after a night of grief and despair, weary and bruised to the bone, and do what needs to be done for the children.

  It doesn’t interest me where or what or with whom you have studied. I want to know what sustains you from the inside when all else falls away. I want to know if you can be alone with yourself, and if you truly like the pany you keep in the empty moments.

  It doesn’t interest me who you are, how you came to be here. I want to know if you will stand in the center of the fire with me and not shrink back.

  I want to know if you can sit with pain, without moving to hide it

  I want to know if you can be with joy, mine or your own, if you can dance with wildness and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes without cautioning us to be careful, be realistic, or to remember the limitations of being human.

  I want to know if you can see beauty , if you can source your life from god’s presence. I want to know if you can live with failure, yours and mine, and still stand on the edge of a lake and shout to the silver of the full moon, “Yes!”













  Dad's Kiss(原题 A goodbye kiss)

  The Board Meeting had e to an end. Bob started to stand up and jostled the table, spilling his coffee over his notes. "How embarrassing. I am getting so clumsy in my old age." Everyone had a good laugh, and soon we were all telling stories of our most embarrassing moments. It came around to Frank who sat quietly listening to the others. Someone said, "Come on, Frank. Tell us your most embarrassing moment."

  Frank laughed and began to tell us of his childhood. "I grew up in San Pedro. My Dad was a fisherman, and he loved the sea. He had his own boat, but it was hard making a living on the sea. He worked hard and would stay out until he caught enough to feed the family. Not just enough for our family, but also for his Mom and Dad and the other kids that were still at home." He looked at us and said, "I wish you could have met my Dad. He was a big man, and he was strong from pulling the nets and fighting the seas for his catch. When you got close to him, he smelled like the ocean. He would wear his old canvas, foul-weather coat and his bibbed overalls. His rain hat would be pulled down over his brow. No matter how much my Mother washed them, they would still smell of the sea and of fish."

  Frank's voice dropped a bit. "When the weather was bad he would drive me to school. He had this old truck that he used in his fishing business. That truck was older than he was. It would wheeze and rattle down the road. You could hear it ing for blocks. As he would drive toward the school, I would shrink down into the seat hoping to disappear. Half the time, he would slam to a stop and the old truck would belch a cloud of smoke. He would pull right up in front, and it seemed like everybody would be standing around and watching. Then he would lean over and give me a big kiss on the cheek and tell me to be a good boy. It was so embarrassing for me. Here, I was twelve years old, and my Dad would lean over and kiss me goodbye!"

  He paused and then went on, "I remember the day I decided I was too old for a goodbye kiss. When we got to the school and came to a stop, he had his usual big smile. He started to lean toward me, but I put my hand up and said, 'No, Dad.'

  It was the first time I had ever talked to him that way, and he had this surprised look on his face. I said, 'Dad, I'm too old for a goodbye kiss. I'm too old for any kind of kiss.' My Dad looked at me for the longest time, and his eyes started to tear up. I had never seen him cry. He turned and looked out the windshield. 'You're right,' he said. 'You are a big boy....a man. I won't kiss you anymore.'"

  Frank got a funny look on his face, and the tears began to well up in his eyes, as he spoke. "It wasn't long after that when my Dad went to sea and never came back. It was a day when most of the fleet stayed in, but not Dad. He had a big family to feed. They found his boat adrift with its nets half in and half out. He must have gotten into a gale and was trying to save the nets and the floats."

  I looked at Frank and saw that tears were running down his cheeks. Frank spoke again. "Guys, you don't know what I would give to have my Dad give me just one more kiss on the cheek....to feel his rough old face....to smell the ocean on him....to feel his arm around my neck. I wish I had been a man then. If I had been a man, I would never have told my Dad I was too old for a goodbye kiss."

  父亲的吻(原题 告别之吻)










  It is a plain fact that we are in a world where petition is going on in all areas and at all levels.This is exciting.Yet, on the other hand, petition breeze a pragmatic attitude.People choose to learn things that are useful,and do things that are profitable.Todays' college education is also affected by this general sense of utilitarianism. Many college students choose business nor puting programming as their majors convinced that this professions are where the big money is. It is not unusual to see the college students taking a part time jobs as a warming up for the real battle.

  I often see my friends taking GRE tests, working on English or puter certificates and taking the driving licence to get a licence. Well, I have nothing against being practical. As the petition in the job market gets more and more intense, students do have reasons to be practical. However, we should never forget that college education is much more than skill training. Just imagine, if your utilitarianism is prevails on campus, living no space for the cultivation of students' minds,or nurturing of their soul. We will see university is training out well trained spiritless working machines.If utilitarianism prevails society, we will see people bond by mind-forged medicals lost in the money-making ventures;we will see humality lossing their grace and dignity, and that would be disastrous.I'd like to think society as a courage and people persumed for profit or fame as a horese that pulls the courage.Yet without the driver picking direction the courage would go straight and may even end out in a precarious

  situation .A certificate may give you some advantage, but broad horizons, positive attitudes and personal integrities ,these are assets you cannot acquire through any quick fixed way.In today's world, whether highest level of petition is not of skills or expertise , but vision and strategy. Your intellectual quality largely determinds how far you can go in your career.





  Work and Pleasure

  To be really happy and really safe, one ought to have at least two or three hobbies, and they must all be real. It is no use starting late in life to say: “I will take an interest in this or that.” Such an attempt only aggravates the strain of mental effort. A man may acquire great knowledge of topics unconnected with his daily work, and yet hardly get any benefit or relief. It is no use doing what you like; you have got to like what you do. Broadly speaking, human beings may be divided into three classes: those who are toiled to death, those who are worried to death, and those who are bored to death. It is no use offering the manual labourer, tired out with a hard week’s sweat and effort, the chance of playing a game of football or baseball on Saturday afternoon. It is no use inviting the politician or the professional or business man, who has been working or worrying about serious things for six days, to work or worry about trifling things at the weekend.

  It may also be said that rational, industrious useful human beings are divided into two classes: first, those whose work is work and whose pleasure is pleasure; and secondly, those whose work and pleasure are one. Of these the former are the majority. They have their pensations. The long hours in the office or the factory bring with them as their reward, not only the means of sustenance, but a keen appetite for pleasure even in its simplest and most modest forms. But Fortune’s favoured children belong to the second class. Their life is a natural harmony. For them the working hours are never long enough. Each day is a holiday, and ordinary holidays when they e are grudged as enforced interruptions in an absorbing vocation. Yet to both classes the need of an alternative outlook, of a change of atmosphere, of a diversion of effort, is essential. Indeed, it may well be that those whose work is their pleasure are those who most need the means of banishing it at intervals from their minds.






  “Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves.” ~Henry David Thoreau


  Everything about my future was ambiguously assumed. I would get into debt by going to college, then I would be forced to get a job to pay off that debt, while still getting into more and more debt by buying a house and a car. It seemed like a never-ending cycle that had no place for the possibility of a dream.


  I want more—but not necessarily in the material sense of personal wealth and success. I want more out of life. I want a passion, a conceptual dream that wouldn’t let me sleep out of pure excitement. I want to spring out of bed in the morning, rain or shine, and have that zest for life that seemed so intrinsic in early childhood.


  We all have a dream. It might be explicitly defined or just a vague idea, but most of us are so stuck in the muck of insecurity and self-doubt that we just dismiss it as unrealistic or too difficult to pursue.


  We bee so fortable with the life that has been planned out for us by our parents, teachers, traditions, and societal norms that we feel that it’s stupid and unsafe to risk losing it for the small hope of achieving something that is more fulfilling.


  “The policy of being too cautious is the greatest risk of all.” ~Jawaharlal Nehru


  Taking a risk is still a risk. We can, and will, fail. Possibly many, many, many times. But that is what makes it exciting for me. That uncertainty can be viewed negatively, or it can empower us.


  Failing is what makes us grow, it makes us stronger and more resilient to the aspects of life we have no control over. The fear of failure, although, is what makes us stagnant and sad. So even though I couldn’t see the future as clearly as before, I took the plunge in hopes that in the depths of fear and failure, I would e out feeling more alive than ever before.


  If you feel lost, just take a deep breath and realize that being lost can be turning point of finding out who you truly are, and what you truly want to do.



  In recent years, natural disasters happened frequently around the world and have caused enormous losses of life and property to human society. They pose a mon challenge to all the countries in the world.

  China suffers the most natural disasters of all countries. Along with global climate changes and its own economic takeoff and progress in urbanization, China suffers increasing pressure on resources, environment and ecology. The situation in the prevention of and response to natural disasters has bee more serious and plicated.

  Always placing people first, the Chinese government has all along put the security of people's lives and property on the top of its work, and has listed the disaster prevention and reduction in its economic and social development plan as an important guarantee of sustainable development. In recent years, China has been prehensively implementing the Scientific Outlook on Development, further strengthened legislation as well as the building of systems and mechanisms on dis-aster prevention and reduction, mitted to building on disaster-prevention capacities, encouraged public contribution, and actively participated in international cooperation in this respect.


  Storms Always Give Way to the Sun


  What is the secret ingredient of tough people that enanble them to succeed? Why do they survive the tough times when others are overe by them? why do they win when others lose, why do they soar when others sink?

  The answer is very simple. It is all in how they perceive their problems. Yes,every living person has problems. A problem-free life is an illsion - a mirage in the desert. Accept that fact.

  Every mountain has a peak. Every valley has its low point. Life has its ups and downs, its peaks and its valleys. No one is up all the time, nor are they down all the time. Problems do end, they are all resolved in time.

  You may not be able to control the times, but you can pose your response. You can turn your pain into provanity or into poetry. The choice is up to you. You may not have chosen your tough time, but you can choose how you will react to it. For instance, what is the positive reaction to a terrible financial setback? Would it be a positive reaction to cop out or run away? Escape through alcohol? No! Such negative reactions only produce greater problems by promising a temporary "solution" to the pressing problem. The positve solution to a problem may require courage to initiate it. When you control your reaction to the seemingly uncontrolable problem of life, then in fact you do control the problem's effect on you. Your reaction to the problem is the last word! That is bottom line. What will you let this problem do to you? It can make you tender or tough. It can make you better or bitter. It all depends on you.

  In the final analysis, tough people who survive the tough times do so because they have chosen to react positvely to their predicament. Tough times never last, but tough people do. Tough people stick it out. History teach us that each problem has a lifespan .No problem is permanent.Storms always give way to the sun. Winters always thaws into springtime. Your storm will pass. Your winter will thaw. Your problem would be solved.






  归根结底,坚韧的人之所以能够挺过艰难的岁月,是因为他们选择进取地去应对困境。艰难的岁月不会没完没了,坚韧的人会始终不懈,坚持到底。历史告诉我们,每一人难题都有始有终,任何难题都不会永久存在。阳光总在风雨后。严冬必然会化为春光。你的暴风雨也会过去,你的冬天也会回暖。 你的难题终将解决。


  At the Backs of King’s College there is a memorial stone in white marble memorating an alumnus of the College, renowned Chinese poet Xu Zhimo. Moving to the UK in 1921, Zhimo spent a year studying at King’s, where he fell in love not only with the romantic poetry of English poets like John Keats, but also with Cambridge itself.


  His poem, 再别康桥 (variously translated as Second Farewell to Cambridge), is arguably his most famous poem, and is now a pulsory text on Chinese literature syllabuses, learnt by millions of school children across the country every year. The poem paints an idyllic portrait of King’s and the River Cam, and serves as a reminder of Xu Zhimo’s fondness for his time in Cambridge.


  While the poem has been set to music many times before, King’s has missioned the first musical setting of the text by a mainstream classical poser. The new piece, by renowned English poser John Rutter, has been written and recorded in celebration of the near 100-year link between King’s College and Xu Zhimo, and has been released on 26 January 2018 on a new album on the King’s College Record Label.

  虽然这首诗已多次被配乐演绎,但国王学院委托了主流古典作曲家根据诗的文字进行创作。新作品由著名的英国作曲家约翰.卢特(John Rutter)担纲,以铭记国王学院和徐志摩之间近100年的不解之缘,并已由国王学院的唱片公司于2018年1月26日发布。

  “Many intellectual transformations happened for him while he was here and in some ways the whole seed of his development as a person who became an intellectual poet, through the medium of poetry, all sort of connected up with his visit to Cambridge and the people we met.”

  “国王学院极大程度帮忙徐志摩拓展了学识,并种下了日后成为一名才华横溢的诗人的种子,”国王学院副院长史蒂文.切力(Steve Cherry)表示,“经过对这首诗的音乐创作,我们把学院的美丽点滴和徐志摩本人在那里的完美体验结合起来,重新带给因他而寻访的中国人民。”

  “John Rutter is a very resourceful poser, and I was delighted with the way he conceived of doing this, presenting most of the text through the tenor voice for which we engage the Chinese tenor. Well, I wanted to have a go myself at making an arrangement of it which would express something of what we do at King’s.”

  “很荣幸能够邀请到约翰.卢特(John Rutter)来为我们作曲。他是个经验丰富的作曲家,这次也经过与一名中国男高音歌唱家的合作充分体现了我们想表达的主题。其实我一向期望能够做出一首表达出国王学院气质的作品”,负责这首《再别康桥》曲目的编曲家,同时也担任国王学院合唱团总指挥的史蒂芬.克劳伯里(Stephen Cleobury)说。

  “The inspiration I think came from the poem which is on the tablet by the bridge by the river camp here in the college. Apart from the tourist self and the words, which of course are quite big elements in it, it’s not specifically intended to be a Chinese piece. It’s the sort of arrangement I would make for something like that, and it’s a very beautiful melody.”




  there were a sensitivity and a beauty to her that have nothing to do with looks. She was one to be listened to, whose words were so easy to take to heart.

  I have thought about her often over the years and how she struggled in a society that places an incredible premium on looks, class, wealth and all the other fineries of life. She suffered from a disfigurement that cannot be made to look attractive. I know that her condition hurt her deeply.

  Would her life have been different had she been pretty? Chances are it would have. And yet there were a sensitivity and a beauty to her that had nothing to do with looks. She was one to be listened to, whose words were so easy to take to heart. Her words came from a wounded but loving heart, very much like all hearts, but she had more of a need to be aware of it, to live with it and learn from it. She possessed a fine-tuned sense of beauty. Her only fear in life was the loss of a friend.

  It is said that the true nature of being is veiled. The labor of words, the expression of art, the seemingly ceaseless buzz that is human thought all have in mon the need to get at what really is so. The hope to draw close to and possess the truth of being can be a feverish one. In some cases it can even be fatal, if pleasure is one's truth and its attainment more important than life itself. In other lives, though, the search for what is truthful gives life.

  The truth of her life was a desire to see beyond the surface for a glimpse of what it is that matters. She found beauty and grace and they befriended her, and showed her what is real.








  Chinese Undergraduates in the US

  Each year, elite American universities and liberal arts colleges, such as Yale, Harvard, Columbia, Amherst and Wellesley, offer a number of scholarships to Chinese high school graduates to study in their undergraduate programs. Four years ago, I received such a scholarship from Yale.

  What are these Chinese undergrads like? Most e from middle-class families in the big urban centers of China. The geographical distribution is highly skewed, with Shanghai and Beijing heavily over-represented. Outside the main pool, a number of Yale students e from Changsha and Ningbo,swhereseach year American Yale graduates are sent to teach English.

  The overwhelming majority of Chinese undergraduates in the US major in science, engineering or economics. Many were academic superstars in their high schools - gold medallists in international academic Olympiads or prize winners in national academic contests. Once on US campuses, many of them decide to make research a lifelong mitment.

  Life outside the classroom constitutes an important part of college life. At American universities the average student spends less than thirteen hours a week in class. Many Chinese students use their spare time to pick up some extra pocket money. At Yale, one of the most mon campus jobs is washing dishes in the dining halls. Virtually all Chinese undergraduates at Yale work part-time in the dining halls at some point in their college years. As they grow in age and sophistication, they upgrade to better-paying and less stressful positions. The more popular and interesting jobs include working as a puter assistant, math homework grader, investment office assistant and lab or research assistant. The latter three often lead to stimulating summer jobs.

  Student activities are another prominent feature of American college life. Each week there are countless student-organized events of all sorts - athletic, artistic, cultural, political or social (i.e. just for fun). New student organizations are constantly being created, and Chinese undergrads contribute to this ferment. Sport looms much larger on US campuses than in China. At Yale, intramural sports from soccer to water polo take place all year long; hence athletic talent is a real social asset. One of the Chinese students at Yale several years ago was a versatile sportsman. His athletic talents and enthusiastic participation in sporting events, bined with his other fine qualities, made him a popular figure in his residential college.









  One thing I regret most about my life when I go to the park, my cell phone almost breaks into pieces.


  On weekends, after dinner, I picked up my cell phone and went for a walk in the park with Shen Kangyi. When I came to the park, playing in bars, the unexpected happened - mobile phone suddenly from the pocket and slid out and fell to the ground. "Oh!" I shouted loudly, quickly from the bars down, picked up the mobile phone a look: day! The cover of the mobile phone has been torn apart, I regret it, red eye, I want to find a place to sew into.


  Shen Kangyi put his head over and asked, "whats the matter?" Did you drop your cell phone again?" I shook my head and said to her, "Im going home first. You can enjoy yourself here."!" With that, I ran back home without looking back.


  Back home, I put the broken mobile phone to the mother, mother, pointing to me said: "I knew it, we told you not to take out the mobile phone, mobile phone, now fell." I bowed my head in regret. Moms tone softened, and asked, "do you know what to do now?"" Dont keep valuables with you at all times." I whispered. Mother said, "well, Ill take the summer vacation to fix it."." I really regret not listening to her mothers words to the mobile phone!



  A square face, a pair of bright eyes under thick eyebrows. Fingers thick and short, rough look as if less than others. This is my father, my father is a brain.


  On one occasion, the superior came to inspect the work in his fathers factory. It happened that something like a pipe on a part was broken and that there was no place to buy it at the moment. What should I do? The people in the factory were as anxious as ants in the hot pan, and dad was no exception. Suddenly, Dad had a brainwave and said to himself, "yes."!" He gave his opinion to the leader, and the leader agreed, so he started the experiment. It turned out that he wanted to cool the thermometer and then bend it into the broken part. Done once, again, again, three times in succession, without success. For the last time, he was more careful and careful, and finally succeeded.


  Although my fathers appearance is not outstanding, but I like him, because he likes to use his head.



  There is a puppy in my house. It is a long a pair of round two eyes, mouth, nose and a flexible small. Its hair is white, especially the belly, just like a puppy wearing a snow-white dress. I like it very much.


  It was the first walk Leonardo chest, also still, like a soldier full of grace. He always uses his hind legs to lean against a tree, his head bowed, as if he were very shy. When he had finished, he left immediately, as if he were afraid of being known. Look at it naughty, funny.


  Its very timid. If you slap your palm, it immediately gets under the bed. It is so brave, dont say when cats or chickens, it is a bad man had a fight, it became the home of the peoples Liberation Army to protect us".


  Puppy, its a lot of amateur, and after the new things of interest, it often in my paintings, staring at the eyes, but also imitate the painting on peoples movements, so that I laugh.


  I like my dog. I play with it every day after school. It brings me lots of fun.



  Winter is a beautiful season.


  It is neither as warm as spring, nor as hot as summer, nor as bright as autumn, but it is equally charming in winter.


  You carefully look, a green field, a greenhouse, a row, fruit garden, farmers in planting and harvesting.


  Especially after a heavy snow on the ground like houses, covered with silver clothes, the wind blows snow flying, like a jade belt up to the distance. Just leaves branches like a hairy silver, many trees covered with snowball Earth covered with carpet.


  I and other buddies with a snowball, snowman, snowball fights, play very happy.


  I love the winter and I love the beautiful scenery.


  Hi! Im Ma Cheng Long a students of Gread 7.


  At school my classmates and teachers are kind to me. My shool life is very interesting. I like it very much.


  Class beging at 8 oclock a.m. I have four class in themorning and I have four class in the afterroom. I study Chinese English mathP.E. geogarphy and some other sudjests. Im good at Enlish very much so I like English best. I also like P.E. and math. But I dont like grogarphy at all. BecauseI think its a little difficult and boring. what do you think?


  After schoolI often play besketball with my classmates on the playground. Its my favorite outdoor activity. Sometimes I play soccer with my classmates. Sometimes I draw pictures with my friends.


  Do you think my school life is very interesting? What about your school life? Can you tell me something about it?




  My father is 38 years old, tall, square face, small eyes, but very God, he dressed very neatly. He looks very smart and handsome, but his heart is more beautiful. He is a doctor, he is very enthusiastic about work, a day to night and never plaining called tired.


  Once, my uncle from the same floor came home from work for dinner, but I couldnt even see my fathers shadow. My mothers cooking was already cold. Ill just go and see him in his office. No one knew I came next to him, nor did he find out. Oh, the original father is looked intently at the data in the puter, my dad told me, these are the inspection data of the patient, if not timely analysis, treatment and operation, will affect the patient I heard, immediately to the father to worship in their eyes.


  My father loves working in the unit and goes back to his home and often helps his mother do housework and tutor me to study. Dad has a warm heart, too. One day, we are a family of three from the street back, cloudy, rain began to fall, my mother and I immediately on the floor, but my father has gone upstairs, my mother and I looked out of the window from small to big rain, anxiously grilled window downstairs to see Dad downstairs to help grandma received Liangshai beans...


  Dad is really a good example to me. I love my father.


  Fast food is quite popular in China these years.Many peoplemainly children and teenagerslike to have fast food for their meals.Why is fast food so weled by people?I think there are three reasons.

  First of allfast food is very convenience.With busy lifestylespeople tend to rely on fast food to save their time.

  Besideswe can either have our meals in the restaurant or take it homewhich means we have more choices than waiting in the crowded mon restaurant only.

  Whats morethe environment of the fast food restaurant such as the small coffee shops is clean and fortablewhich often creates a romantic and elegant atmosphere.

  Howeverjust like every coin has two sidesfast food also has its own drawbacks.For examplepared with vegetables and fresh fruitsfast food contain little nutrients that are good for our health.

  Insteadfast food like hamburgers and French fries are rich in fatand we will easily put on weight if we eat woo much of them.Thats why we have more overweight children than before.

  In conclusionalthough fast food is delicious and conveniencewe should eat them neither too often nor too much in order to keep ourselves in good health.







  One of the things I regret about my childhood was one of the things that impressed me the most.


  Summer, the hot sun baked the earth, I was sweating on the head, I see my mother like this said: "such a hot day, or we go swimming together!" Mom this word I scared, but I still pretend you know what is said: "why?" My mother turned to me and said, "why? Who told you to grow so big that you couldnt swim?"." I dared not resist any more and had to go swimming with my mother in her swimsuit.


  After I changed my swimsuit, I tiptoed toward the swimming pool. As soon as I went down, I felt my whole body shaking. My mother asked me to hold the steps of the swimming pool first, and then she helped me with my stomach. Then she called me to swim. Just swim half, mother suddenly let go, I swim, swim, but choke a few saliva, sink into the water. I do not want to practice, my mother advised me to continue to practice, I temper, insist on going home, mother can not help but go home with me.


  I couldnt swim until now, so I was sorry for not having listened to my mothers advice. I will be brave, overe the difficulties, learn to swim.



  Winter grandpa left, spring sister step by light pace, quietly came to the world.


  The earth is reviving, and the language of the flowers is full of vitality.


  With spring flowers, you see, swallows fly freely in the sky. Poplar, like a guardian of the frontier, passed through the cold winter and stood strong there. Today, they pull out new shoots and grow yellow shoots. The wicker on the riverbank, like the hair of a girl, flutters in the spring breeze.


  The spring breeze gently blowing the earth, the grass quietly out of the needle like small head tip on the top of a round dew in the sun shine, like a flash of mercury.


  The wind in the spring is soft, blowing in the face is so fortable, so happy, just like the mothers hand, stroking in the face.


  How can the sky be colorful and dazzling? Ah, so the children are flying kites. In the light of sky and white clouds, all kinds of kites in the wave of freedom, soaring, how the scene is relaxed and happy ah!


  The plan of a year lies in spring. Let u



  My house through a window, a row of trees have leaf like soldiers struggling proud of the past winter, again on the leaves, like a perfect uniform, to survive these long winter soldiers send warmth.


  The birds nest is close enough, the fresh air, the slightest breeze brings them very cool, birds sing beautiful songs, songs of their proud. Every corner is changing, being a garden that is more different than the winter, than the autumn.


  In the spring of two All flowers bloom together., pear tree homes, cute. A flower in full bloom, and decorated with white plow tree flowers, like a rolling of the white snow capped mountains, very beautiful.


  A pear tree cut fuel, although there is no next to it "tall mountain" as charming, but it leaves thick, four to stretch longer high, finally formed a parasol and covered with earth, produce many pears,


  How lovely the spring scenery of our home is! It was gorgeous and angry. Time is passing, home will bee a refreshing home.



  Winter is ing, and the north wind is blowing. Its freezing cold. Large snowflakes falling down from the sky, like the fairy planted flowers. The snow stopped, the distant mountains turned white, the trees became white, and the whole world became white.


  The children love the snow. Some of skiing in the snow, some ice skating, and snowball fights. My mother and I went to make snowmen. Mother rolled a big snowball, and when the snowmans body, I rolled a small snowball, when the snowmans head. I found the buttons, carrots, peppers to the placement of the snowman eyes, nose and mouth, mom to kegs, broom when the snowmans hat and hand. The snowman was piled up and my mother and I sat around the snowman singing and dancing.


  The snow is beautiful in winter! The white snow brought joy to the world.


  Ushered in the annual "Lantern Festival". To celebrate "yuanxiao" fireworks are popular all over the country, yuanxiao is not exceptional also this year, dad bought me a $one hundred worth of fireworks, this can be more one hundred yuan to buy fireworks, there are two value of 25 yuan "all over the sky star," there are two boxes of "fluorescence line", there is a row of "bee", also have three packs of "small rocket", and...

  The night of the Lantern Festival, the streets here, flowing, crowded packed; Smoke in the sky, colorful. Look at everyone with fireworks, I also cant wait to e up with a "baby", lit it fuses, soon see fireworks fly into the air blast scattered pieces of colorful flowers, cheering people around "wow! How nice!" At this time I feel very proud.

  Then, more and more people, the more excited I picked up the "small rocket", only to hear "sou" with a straight at the clouds take, 1 of "boom" is falling down.

  All of a sudden, a light "kongmin light" slowly up to you and the people around you are continuously suspected with the lamp, seems to be the heart pray: "kongmin light to illuminate my future way!"

  That night, people gradually dispersed in the streets, and I also with my father and mother went home.







  One Day of Mine

  On May Day, my mother, father, my sister and me went to park to have a picnic, and then visited my grandma and grandpa.

  At nine o’clock in the morning, we went to park for picnic. We took juice, cornflakes, apples, oranges, lollipops, bananas, ice creams, mangoes, and so on. I also took toys, such as doll, ball, balloon, skateboard and a kite.

  At two o’clock in the afternoon, we went to visit my grandma and grandpa. I helped grandpa do some house work. My sister and me played skateboard and doll.

  At eight o’clock in the evening, we went home, and played puter games for two hours and then went to bed.

  I was very happy on May Day!








  I like small animals very much, but I like puppies best.


  The puppy is not big, but it has a big head. A pair of small triangular ears, the face is also small. A gem of a flexible bright big eyes, a round black nose. His hair Chengtu yellow, smooth coated with a layer of oil like. The tail is hairy and is often put on and feels fortable.


  A dog makes a noise when he eats food, eats quickly, and looks like he is hungry. Sleep motionless, very quiet, a move to look up, nothing, and continue to lie on the ground sleep. When you play a game, if you are happy, you will wag your tail and jump to the distance, and your tongue will stick out.


  Because my neighbor has a little dog, so I often play with him. The puppys head is big. I call it "big head"". On one occasion, I just returned home and saw the dog playing on the side of the road, running around. I was ready to open the door, the dog immediately ran over in front of me yaotoubaiwei, seems very wele to me.


  I really like this cute and naughty puppy! Im sure youll like this "big head" too!


  My favorite little animal - puppy.


  Fast food is very popular around the world more and more people trend to eat the fast food in the more time.

  But this trend has aroused some anxiety that some people consider that with the development of the fast food the Chinese traditional food will be forgotten by Chinese.

  It is bad to develop Chinese conventional culture. Besides some people think fast food can do harm to their healthy when they eat it too much. Because the most fast food be made by oil and meet.

  People will be ill who eat too much them.

  Although the popularity may cause some health problems my attitude towards fast food is positive. The reasons are just as follows: eating fast food can save more time to do another important thing for us.

  For another people can change the dietary habit to eat fast food. It is good to bring in the different culture.

  As for the worry about the negative effects on Chinese traditional diet caused by fast food in my opinion we don’t worry about it. Because we eat it in a little time. There is little harm for people. So we don’t care it.

  In one sense if the traditional culture in our heart and we remember it it can’t be forgotten. Else we should bring in the different things to develop our culture.







  The Lantern Festival is our traditional festival, is also the last day of the lunar New Year, the fifteenth day of the lantern, on this day, people will eat yuanxiao, go to the flower market, to admire the lanterns, fireworks, guess riddles, dragon dance lion dance, the best blessing to the spring.

  We just finished eating a family reunion dinner, dad said to take me to see lanterns, I am very happy. Early in the evening, the moon is up in the sky. A few stars naughty to blink my eyes. The silvery moon around lanterns with me together. Our family with the boisterous crowd to flower market. "Little fish" is I know dad around the neck, she glo-sticks in hand, on the head with a red ox horn, dressed in a red coat. With a happy smile on his face.

  Streets, everywhere decorated, all kinds of electronic lanterns, can call a person too many things to see, as the waves of sound XuanSheng, two dragons, cross flying among the crowd.

  At this moment, a few loud bangs, beautiful fireworks barrage in the open air, some like a chrysanthemum, some like the snow in June, some like the stars of the sky, there are like colorful flowers.

  Night, admire the lanterns people face is permeated with satisfaction, happiness, cozy look left.







  Our school is very beautiful.There are many trees and flowers here,so the air here is very clean.I can hear birds singing.Its so wonderful.

  On the playground,you can see the students play basketball.Sometimes our teacher play with us.We feel very happy.In each class,there are many pictures in the wall.The teachers work very hard.They love us as if we were their children.

  When we meet some problems,our teachers often help us.In our school,the teachers and students are like firends.I love our school.I wish our school will get more and more beautiful!





  fast foodLife pace moves very fast these days. People dont like to waste time on their breakfast and lunch except their business luncheon and family occasions.

  They always have their meals out of or in their offices.

  With this kind of new custom fast food is getting more and more popular. You may rind McDonalds Kentucky Fried Chicken hainburger shops everywhere.

  In recent years fast food rushes into China and Chinese young people begin to be fond of it. But is anything popular a good one? The answer is No.

  Its reported that fast food is unfit particularly for children who need more nutrition for their growth for there is little nutrition in it. If you always have it your health will be badly affected.

  Unfortunately there are still many people spending much money on fast food with anidea that they are enjoying themselves in a new life style.






  My family has a puppy. Its my mothers birthday present to me on my birthday. I like it very much. My mother gave it a lovely name.


  Every day I e back from school, the first thing is to take things to feed Wangwang, my mother said, to be friends with the puppy, it must be good to it.


  So I usually shower it and take it out to play. Want to be naughty, and at the beginning of each time to help it wash, it is always reluctant to, every time I wet my clothes, but I did not angry, mother said, and more help it wash a few times, it will get used to it.


  Every night after dinner, I will be holding the dog and her mother went to the outside for a walk, take it to the park and other puppies playing together, but I was too naughty, bullying next O king, mother said, dont take it out. Wangwang although a little naughty, but I still like it, I will always be friends with it.



  Today, my father bought me a lovely chicken, covered with orange hair, I called it "yellow". Miss Huangs two small eyes blink and act like a little star. Its claws are not so strong and strong as to make Xiao Huang look more lovely. Xiao Huangs favorite thing to do is to sleep on my feet. The fluffy, soft body made my feet warm.


  It looked at sleep soundly, I could not bear to heart, afraid of waking it, when I move my feet, it is unable to part my feet to follow. In the evening, Xiao Huang still chirped and asked me to acpany him. So I made a foot model, surrounded by warm water bottle, so his yellow dream, watching it fall asleep, I also sleep at ease.


  Huang also love to run and hide and seek, once, I am looking for a long time, did not find it later, Huang was found in my bathtub. It can fly inside, also can not fly out of its own in the bathtub was accidentally jumped. Looking at it, I smiled and took it out carefully. My chicken "Yellow Daisy" is cute!

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